When I initially attempted coloring with a dental mirror or working on a maze using a handheld mirror, my hand and brain malfunctioned. Creating straight horizontal strokes were the most challenging to master. It is important to bear in mind that whenever you embark on learning something new, the key to unraveling the puzzle will only reveal itself through persistent struggle and effort. The trick to coloring and woking on a maze using indirect vision is making strokes towards the point of vision, which is the mirror! My hand and mind were synchronized once again. The absence of direct vision made me realize that we naturally tend to color towards ourselves since we are the focal point of our own vision!!
Now we need to add an element of practicing indirect vision in small tight spaces. After trying to paint the bottom half of a figurine using a dental mirror inside a small box, I realized the key lies in maximizing the lighting conditions. When working in narrow spaces, there is no such thing as excessive illumination.